Is Your Online Store Slow? Find Out The Reasons Why?
“The Internet” is all about speed!
When it comes to E-Commerce segment, which makes a major chunk of the world wide web, speed is something that makes a big difference. Going by Amazon’s reports, there is an increase of 1% in Amazon’s revenue for every millisecond drop in the loading time.
You may have a good website but if it doesn’t focus on the speed it won’t entertain your consumers and in return they won’t entertain you. If you want your e-commerce store to convert well, design it with duo targets of users experience and website speed.
Why Increased Page Load Time Drastically Affects your Website Conversion?
Speed is a crucial aspect for the success of online store. The loading speed of your online store can severely affect your users experience, their purchasing decision and your conversion rates. The most suitable example for this would be you yourself. After all, how many times did you stay on a website that seems too lazy on its loading speed? Experts believe that “it is a one is to four ratio of people who leave your website if it takes more than four seconds to load.”
Big story short- Minimum loading speed of a site can substantially improve user experience.
Google uses a multitude of elements to determine the ranking of search engine results. Speed is one of the indicators used by its algorithm to rank pages. Research has exhibited that Google is particularly measuring time to first byte as when it considers page loading speed. Furthermore, a slow speed website crawl fewer pages from the assigned crawl budget, and this may create a negative impact on your indexation.
What advances the Decline in Page Loading Time for your Website?
Following are the factors which cause a decline in the page loading time of your website:
- Images that not optimized correctly- Images not optimized correctly critically affects 90% of the websites in the Alexa 1000.
- Pages overloaded with Plugins/ Widgets – This is especially seen in the Plugins related to photos or videos.
- Unfriendly Browsers and Apps – Some browsers and Apps don’t always play good with plugins.
- Overloaded Ads – A website overloaded with ads directly affects the speed of the website.
- Heavy Code – All kinds of heavy codes add to make your site clumsy.
- Bulky Design Theme – Some designs might be quite appealing to the eyes but their size can be turn off for speed.
- Externally Emerged Media – Videos or slideshows may be valuable content, but they can also increase the loading time. So be caution!
According to a online marketing expert: “The time span a visitor spends on your website is ‘directly proportional’ to the performance of the website. If the performance sinks, the visitor time span decreases and if performance goes up, the visitors enjoy spending more time on your website.” Therefore, to increase the visitor’s time span focus on the speed of the website.