E-commerce Content Marketing Strategies: Latest Tips & Tricks
About 95% of B2B enterprise marketers and 82% of B2C marketers use content marketing as their chief weapon to fulfill their business objectives, ‘A not so surprising statistic.’
78% of COM’s strongly believe that custom content is the future of marketing industry- Another point strengthening the fact that content marketing will have a possession of incredibly promising upcoming years.
Content marketing is basically about providing the right information to your customers and prospects to find success. However, the crux is putting your marketing strategy in the right place gives you the ideal success. Content is the absolute key for gaining leads, building customer trust in your product and thereby becoming a thought leader in your industry.
Is your company a part of this league? If so, you have great chance to reach new heights in your business.
Regardless of the fact that there is no definite strategy for it, certain objectives- if worked in the right way give full support to achieve all your aims and objectives. Let’s have an overview of top six among these:
Tip 1- Select your ‘Niche’ and don’t ditch it
In content marketing you need to pick a niche, know everything about the people in that particular market and then create useful and shareable content for that specific group of people. Thereafter, you keep on creating more content to let those people visit you again for more information. All this generates more fame for you through sharing of the content with friends and co-workers.
Tip 2- Strategy to reach your audience
The next step after picking a niche is to create a master plan of how you’ll reach your desired audience. It also comprises the effectiveness of your content on the audience. Here are the points which will be a great support for you to find a good answer for yourself.
- What is the bull’s eye according to you for implementing content marketing?
- What reaction you are focusing for the people once they read your content?
- Where do you want them to head towards after reading your content?
- What should be your next step after this?
- Why should they care about your product or services?
- How to make them visit your online store again?
Knowing a definite answer for these points will determine the message you are looking forward to send to your viewers.
Tip 3- Fall in love with visual content presentation
Visual content can work out wonders for you. Creating strong impression for your brand with high quality original visual content is very much in vogue. However, latest study says that the content with images gets 94% more views than plain text.
Engaging an audience with the striking content is crucial. If you analyze what works for the big boys in your industry it will certainly assist you to create content that drives branding clicks and conversion with your audience. However, keep a check on the type and quality of your content with these tips:
- Check that it doesn’t act as the reason for them to leave your website; instead it should strongly influence them to take a positive step towards you. For this give them what they are looking for and smartly promote your brand.
- Offer high quality images that tell a story.
- Keep it bite sized and digestible
- Prove it with your visual content that you understand what your audience want. Get handy on videos, music, GIFs or any other media.
- Keep up your consistency and be self-aware.
Tip 4. Optimum use of Social Media
With the availability of great and innumerable size of audience on social media website, you get the best opportunity to persuade them to buy your product. Focus on getting social through the right content. Keep it short, crisp, interesting and to the point. Social profiles can be used to promote one-on-one customer engagement and effectively disseminate content that resonates with the target market of each networking platform.
Tip 5. Attract and engage visitors with useful information
Nobody likes to spend even an extra minute, the moment they discovered the page doesn’t have useful or enough information which they are looking for. Display the right content on your website through which they can learn and share it with their peers. You can also trigger the point where it aches or the problem is. This regulates an inflow of unending quality visitors.
Content marketing is about focusing on their customers needs and hitting the targets or objectives.
Tip 6- Other strategies for content marketing
- Use customers story in the form of testimonials and reviews to highlight your brand.
- Publish useful content on a consistent basis and get noticed.
- Leverage A/B split testing.
- Determine your end goal
Whatever you do, it is very important to measure your endeavors and estimate a targeted ROI. Focus on an analysis of ROI through content format, content message, distribution channel, and marketing efforts. This is necessary to understand how you’re functioning in the area. If you get stuck or want to opt for a new assistance in content marketing, visit here and know more.